International Parcel Courier

Local Parcel Courier

Air Freight Services

Prompt Delivery

Same Day Delivery

Air Freight

Sea Freight

Land Logistics


It is important to establish a good working relationship with any supplier. Hammonds Express are a friendly company without compromising professionalism. They are prepared to go the extra yard to satisfy customer needs. I find them value for money in a highly competitive market.

Jimmy Chua

The whole procedure was effortless- from my side a pleasure. The driver was equally helpful which makes a refreshing change to those who can’t wait to just dump the delivery and go. Thanks for setting up the account will be using Hammonds Express from now on.

Jin Young Heo

Without any doubt, the service I’ve received from your company and team is the best I’ve ever had from a delivery/courier service. My experience with these services is generally that the delivery company don’t really care about the customer experience. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve had to chase parcels, sit on the phone for ages waiting to get through to a real person etc.

Joo Song Kim